сряда, 25 декември 2024 г.

g(A)bb(A)n(A)rchy Compilation volume XVI

[GBT 017] g(A)bb(A)n(A)rchy Compilation volume XVI

[GBT 017] g(A)bb(A)n(A)rchy Compilation Volume 16 
Released: 2024.12.25
The Saga Continues... 

listen online and/or download here: 

Genre: Electronic

Style: Hardcore, Gabber, Industrial, Breakcore, Speedcore, Noisecore, Slowcore, Terrorcore, Experimental, Rave, Hard Techno, Teknival Music, Jungle, Drum'n'Bass, etc. 

Artists from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Mexico

Label: Gabbalkanton
Catalog #: GBT 017


01. Alex - Discovery (3:01)

02. autonomaon - the chilli sauce breakcore ingredient for the dinner steak (3:44)


04. Defect (BG) - Alone In The Dark (4:08)

05. Trup - Hitler's Day At Disneyland (4:37)

06. Stelkister - Bad man's terror (2:06)

07. Mokushi - Gastarbeiter (3:15)

08. Asimo - Kurtim Mifki (4:31)

09. dont know - stuggle f snuggle (7:31)

10. The Speedcore Junkie - Totally and Completely (3:43)

11. autonomaton - smoked riddim cuting into the outta space (5:07)

12. Cherry Crush - Safari Beast (4:51)

13. Hardstyle Provider - Monkey Teeth (3:33)

14. Gabber van Dahl - Crude and Raw [Jumpo Tempo Hempo Remix] (3:27)

15. Special Forces Terror Department - Pussy Motherfuckers (270bpm) (5:29)

16. Rave child - ready to chill (4:16)

17. Special Forces Terror Department - Magic Mamaliga (195BPM) (3:02)

18. Alex - City Live Cycle (5:17)

19. Murray Head - Murray Head's One night in Bangkok (Autonomaton bootleg) (5:02)

20. Special Forces Terror Department - Somebody To Love (2:52)

21. IMP PLANT - Monolith (Ejected Poison Remix) (2:38)

22. t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said (Gabbernauht FrenchKICK) (2:51)

23. autonomaton - nothing more then just the drums and the bass (5:51)

24. Cherry Crush - Denbah Denitsa (3:03)

25. Special Forces Terror Department - Break the rules (3:31)

26. Glans Penis - Поздрав за Пиката (3:13)

27. Special Forces Terror Department - Terror of My Speedcore (4:03)

28. Rave child - zavisim real (3:36)

29. Gabber van Dahl - Rebus (Symphony of Chaos and Disorder) (7:02)

30. Special Forces Terror Department - The Judgement Day (5:02)

31. Tematic - Dreamcatcher (3:05)

32. autonomaton - event horizont reconstructed (6:18)

33. Special Forces Terror Department - Tropicca909s (5:09)

34. Tematic - Buckle Up (2:18)

35. Hardstyle Provider - Stay With Me (2:17)

36. Gabber van Dahl - Here Come the Drums (3:03)

37. Special Forces Terror Department - 237 Journey (4:59)

38. Special Forces Terror Department - Nqma da doida na rabota (3:17)

39. Special Forces Terror Department - Cave of the Brave (5:03)

40. Special Forces Terror Department - FUCK YOU LIKE A SLUT (2:10)

41. Special Forces Terror Department - Area 51 (3:55)

42. Special Forces Terror Department - Kids are assholes (3:33)

43. Special Forces Terror Department - ПЕТКО ВОЙВОДА, ПЕТКО КАПИТАНИНЕ SPEEDCORE GABBER (BG SONG) (4:36)









петък, 24 ноември 2023 г.

Gabbanarchy Compilation volume XV

[GBT 016] Gabbanarchy Compilation volume XV

DOWNLOAD Mega link

01. trup - pulling on my zuluf (6:38)
02 Plinn 1518 - Fievre éléctronique v2 (3:44)
03. Autonomaton - im insane! (3:38)
04. Autonomaton - rave the fields without remorse (3:39)
05. Cherry Crush - Love Maria (0:36)
06. Cherry Crush - Poday Rezachkata Bate (0:28)
07. Die KleinenSpechte - Пънк Цици Наркотици (2:41)
08. de n8wachT - Mambo nr. 8 (4:31)
09. dontknow - трафик (3:41)
10. Autonomaton - deep down in the jungle (beat the drums) (4:28)
11. Autonomaton - Managua summer fresh featuring Nocturnal emissions and Tribes of fishes (4:14)
12. Tematic - Half Beat (3:50)
13. Nerveous Edge - Free People Are Free People (4:00)
14. Gabber van Dahl - The Wonderful World of Sound (2:36)
15. Gabber van Dahl - Speed, Doom & Acid (4:26)
16. Noiseferatu - More Chaos Less Order (2:21)
17. Tematic - After Party (1:44)
18. Drummo Projid 909 - Solar System (3:01)
19. Cuntsplitterkor - POW Suffering (4:30)
20. Cuntsplitterkor - IRA Suffering (13:32)
21. Vilnjal van Dahl - Drop Beats Not Bombs! (3:58)

DOWNLOAD Mega link

Released: 2023.11.23

Genre: Electronic

Style: Hardcore, Gabber, Industrial, Breakcore, Speedcore, Noisecore, Experimental, Rave, Tekkno, Jungle

Artists from: Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Netherlands, USA

Label: Gabbalkanton

Catalog #: GBT 016

Compiled by Gabber van Dahl

четвъртък, 14 април 2022 г.



listen online and/or download here: 



g(A)bb(A)n(A)rchy various artists 

volume 14 

the saga continues... 

Released: 2022.04.14

Genre: Electronic

Style: Hardcore, Gabber, Industrial, Breakcore, Speedcore, Noisecore, Slowcore, Terrorcore, Experimental Music, Extratone, Rave, Techno, Teknival Music, Jungle, Drum'n'Bass, Hip Hop etc. 

Artists from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, USA

Front Cover: Jellyfish Mush

Compiled by Gabber van Dahl

Label: Gabbalkanton

Catalog #: GBT 015


01. DSBOD - Guest List (4:07)

02. trup - FUCK THE SOUNDSYSTEM (4:46)

03. LaUD23 - Anfang vom Ende (4:48)

04. kamayude dj - TeenPussyFreakShit (0:38)

05. Cornhole Crucifixion - Sex Acts with Frozen Chooks (4:04)

06. Autonomaton - percept transformation of a slowcore noiz anthem (5:52)

07. Hexagon - Freedom (1:01)

08. LaUD23 - Weiߟ der Geier (8:57)

09. МзК32 - Пънку (11:30)

10. LaUD23 - Breath (5:06)

11. Angua - Moments turned into ashes (5:42)

12. Autonomaton - monkeyshines (wooh the sunlight) (4:39)

13. Plinn 1518 - controle toi (4:16)

14. LaUD23 - Fallen (5:44)

15. CACTUS ERECTUS - There Will Come Peaceful Times (4:24)

16. d-lysergic acid - grindthebastaz 06 [raw mix] (2:27)

17. Cherry Crush - Suzanita (Original) (1:42)

18. DJ MAHRK - Drus (DJ Tool) (1:03)

19. Die KleinenSpechte - ARENA JUNKIES (1:39)

20. Autonomaton - fear is the mind killer featuring Paul Atreides (Dune) (5:19)

21. Shepnek - разни същества с неща и хора (12:30)

22. Troyanski - Bani4ka (3:26)

23. LaUD23 - Wahnsinn (6:05)

24. CACTUS ERECTUS - Freedom (1:25)

25. Cuntsplitterkor - Noisecore Punks (2:32)

26. Autonomaton - few notes on the light in my head (5:55)

27. CACTUS ERECTUS - oldie goldie (0:29)

28. Gabber van Dahl - Raving Twenties (Drummo Projid 909 Remix) (2:56)

29. Tematic a.k.a. Ejected Poison - Duck Step (5:14)

30. Ivan Chernev SMETANATA - rip (3:29)

31. CACTUS ERECTUS - Void trap but it's eric andre (2:33)

32. Gabber van Dahl - Make Music Not War (3:46)

33. Tematic a.k.a. Hardstyle Provider - First 10 Years (15:56)

34. Drummo Projid 909 - Peace (3:48)


Gabber means Mate!

Anarchy is a State of Mind!

Music is Our Weapon Against the Corrupted $y$t€m!

We Will Not Give Up the Fight!

Hardcore 'till We Die!

We Are Against The War! 

събота, 1 май 2021 г.



Gabbanarchy comilation volume XIII
Label: Gabbalkanton
Catalog #: GBT 014
Released: 2021.05.01
Genre: Electronic
Style: Hardcore, Gabber, Industrial, Breakcore, Speedcore, Noise, Experimental, Extratone, Rave, Techno
Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Austria, Australia 

01. Mrs Watanabe - Inertia
02. glitches over bitchez - snowy drumIN
03. glitches over bitches - drumINdrumOUT (useless noiz remix)
05. Tekthrowler - chaosssss
06. trup - Chin Twister (The Whole Yugoslavia is Dancing to Gabba)
07. Angua - Sigh from alter world I
08. Angua - Sigh from alter world II
09. Cywacror - Kalaschnikow
10. LaUD23 - Reality
11. LaUD23 - Krach Lärm Geräusche
12. Autonomaton - short ride on the carousele
13. Autonomaton - mad digeridoo
14. zubo - granicata tunka (raw 2008 demo)
15. Sorce - f$ociety (novoc)
16. Gabber van Dahl - You Humans
17. cactus erectus - mayans were dislexic
18. Sevnseal - Шегички и гатанки за борба с коронавируса
19. Die KleinenSpechte - Funny How
20. BZRRO BassPunk - Moody Breaker Rave
21. Cherry Crush - Gabriela
22. Tematic - Brat
23. LaUD23 - The Earth (Tanz aus der Reihe Version)
24. Cactus Erectus - Beyond the Cosmic Void
25. Троянски - Shepnek
26. Autonomaton - what do you mean Flash Gordon Approaching
27. Ejected Poison - Filter Game (Tematic Remix)
28. Drummo Projid 909 - July Evening 2020
29. LaUD23 - Hammercore
30. Tematic - Hardcore Vibes (Da Saiko Remix)
31. Hardstyle Provider - File Extreme (Tematic Remix)
32. LaUD23 - Letzte Warnung
33. troyanski - 3
34. troyansky - marrmarland
35. Cactus Erectus - fucking a man
36. Living Xcrement - nesumgoslushalamaetupo
37. Ministry - Bad Blood (CEP2plet's Valentine's Day Mix) (НекадърKICK puts some Adrenaline through your veins Vesion)
38. _Cuntspiltterkor - Polish No!se Anarchywav
39. Cryax Z Cokvo - ACAB Z Kurwami
40. _Cuntspilttkor - Pure Emotion

вторник, 11 август 2020 г.




 Label: Gabbalkanton
Catalog #: GBT 013
Format: MP3, Album.
Quality: 320kbps
Country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico, Australia
Released: 2020.08.11
Genre: Electronic
Style: Hardcore, Gabber, Breakcore, Speedcore, Terrorcore, Experimental, Drum'n'Bass, Ambient, Illbient, Extratone, Noise, Techno, Rave, Non-Music
 01. Dreadhed vs. Angua - Back and Bad to the Core (Moren Sokol Pie) (5:38)
02. Nobody - Шест Нецензурни Краставици (3:14)
03. Mokushi - Little Core Boy [2020] (6:17)
04. Truplo - Pisschrist Gabba (2:49)
05. Audio Anarchy - In The Begining (samples mashup) (2:38)
06. Gabber van Dahl - Earthificial Untellidance (3:11)
07. mrbd - jngl (3:50)
08. Kundalini - Saturday Muse (7:05)
09. Animal Assault - Alena (3:26)
10. Jawhinge - Bizarre Adventure (7:48)
11. Cactus Erectus - L'appel du vide (1:53)
12. Sisters of Fortune {Zustand D. & Bloio} - Frosty Flakes Tony and the Great Return of the Marching-Powder Cult (6:46)
13. Cornhole Crucifixion - AAAAAAHHHHHHH (5:33)
14. Gabber van Dahl - Reunion 2020 (23knokult Machine Minds Remix) (4:52)
15. Autonomaton - Space Cube cool killer's time to kill (get dead by amen bootleg) (2:19)
16. harshtekkk - born in doubt (5:51)
17. Pazuzu - Noizeplayer 2020 (2:22)
18. Shepnek - Darkstream (7:28)
19. mrbd - demof (2:43)
20. BZRRO BassPunk - BellyBomb (4:17)
21. Tematic - Fractal Energy (2:43)
22. Autonomaton - I Love You (Remix of Remix Hardsequencer vs Yello! (4:04)
23. Rebbag Gabbanarchy - Nigh-Rave (1:24)
24. wolf Noize - 237 Journey (6:34)
25. Shepnek - kenetoni Ep (13:23)
26. wolf Noize - roll the dice (3:21)
27. Senor Dolor & Fried Rich - Kurzajivite & Negroponte (2:46)
28. Tematic - Megarave (Da Saiko Remix) (2:34)
29. Autonomaton - RMB Redemption Amenized Bootleg (4:22)
30. Terrorgabber - Redemptions (5:04)
31. Cornhole Crucifixion - Vaginal Foreplay (7:23)
32. LUX - Spill (3:28)
33. wolf Noize - devils music (6:55)
34. Rebbag Gabbanarchy - drun-i-bass (0:30)
35. Terrorgabber - Gabbertjie story (10:28)
36. Drummo Projid 909 - Who's Gonna Do It (3:26)
37. wolf Noize - Tropicca909s (5:09)
38. Terrorgabber - The Curse of the Gods (7:31)
39. Cuntroller - LollyPopLapDance (32:55)

вторник, 14 юли 2020 г.

Rave Punk Injected

Rave Punk Injected

17.07 - 19.07

Вход свободен за свободни хора.

Втора по рода си анархо рейви сбирщина с лек припукващ звук от грамофон и аналогови машини за десерт.

Вход свободен за свободни хора.

Който желае да подпомогне ще има donation participation box.

Rave in pe(A)ce !!!!!
Актуална информация: ТУК

First night:

<BG> - Inception (CD-mix)
<BG> - MiguelRecords (CD-mix) ft.McAxdy
<BG> - Yango (vinyl-set)
<BG> - Dessy vinyl (vinyl-set)
<BG> - Sechnia (vinyl-set)
<BG> - Aquatech (vinyl-set)
<BG> - Factor (viny-set)
<BG> - Ctrl+J (CD-mix)

Second Day:

<UK> - Ruff Tekk (Pc-mix)
<CRO> -Truplo (PC-mix)
<UKR-BG> 2cor3 (CD-MIX)
<BG> - Pravq go za kefa (live set)
<BG> - Shano DJ (live set)
<BG> - Gabber Van Dahl (PC-mix)
<BG> - Mescalinka (vinyl -mix)
<BG> - DontKnow (PC-mix)
<BG> Rebbag (PC-mix)
<BG> - Cuntroller (Pc-mix)
<BG> - Paranoia (Pc-mix)
<BG> - Half Deaf (Pc-mix)

5kw Turbo sound!
Special support from Bonkata

Местоположението на евента ще бъде преместено на Плана Планина.
Това ще бъде поляната на  Егуля фест.
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